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Table of Contents
Fabric Tutorials
These pages will help you setup a productive development environment and semi-automated releases.
These pages are essential must-reads when modding with Fabric, and modding Minecraft in general, if you are new to modding, it is recommended you read the following.
- Conventions and Terminology
- Registries
- Development Tools
These pages will guide you on the creation of items, such as tools, armor and food. Alongside crafting recipes and enchantments.
Blocks and Block Entities
These pages will guide you through the creation of blocks, storage of items and data in blocks via block entities, and the creation of models and blockstates.
Data Generation
These pages will guide you through the Fabric Data Generation API, which generates JSON files through data generators.
World Generation
These pages will guide you through world generation concepts.
- Adding structures (vanilla tutorial in Minecraft Wiki)
- Adding Biomes (vanilla tutorial)
- Adding Dimensions (vanilla tutorial)
These pages will guide you through Mojang's Brigadier library which allows you to create commands with complex arguments and actions.
These pages will guide you through using the many events included in Fabric API, and how to create your own events for you or other mods to use.
Mixins & ASM
These pages will guide you through the usage of SpongePowered's Mixin library, which is a highly complex topic. We recommend you read these pages thoroughly.
- Tools
- Tutorials
- Specifications
Contribute to Fabric
Looking for old tutorials? They've probably been archived. You can view archived pages here.