or ModelTransformation.Type.GROUND
This is an old revision of the document!
This is the 1.15 & 1.16 version of this tutorial. For the 1.14 version, see Rendering blocks and items dynamically using block entity renderers (1.14).
Make sure you added a block entity before reading this tutorial!
Blocks by themselves aren't that interesting, they just stay static at a certain location and a certain size until broken. We can use block entity renderers to render items and blocks associated with a block entity far more dynamically - render multiple different items, at differing locations and sizes, and more.
In this tutorial we'll build off the block entity we created by adding a BlockEntityRenderer
to it. The renderer will display a jukebox floating above the block, going up and down and spinning.
The first thing we need to do is create our BlockEntityRenderer
@Environment(EnvType.CLIENT) public class DemoBlockEntityRenderer implements BlockEntityRenderer<DemoBlockEntity > { // A jukebox itemstack private static final ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Items.JUKEBOX); public DemoBlockEntityRenderer(BlockEntityRendererFactory.Context ctx) {} @Override public void render(DemoBlockEntity blockEntity, float tickDelta, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, int light, int overlay) { } }
We're going to need to register our BlockEntityRenderer
, but only for the client. This wouldn't matter in a single-player setting, since the server runs in the same process as the client. However, in a multiplayer setting, where the server runs in a different process than the client, the server code has no concept of a “BlockEntityRenderer”, and as a result would not accept registering one. To run initialization code only for the client, we need to setup a client
Create a new class next to your main class that implements ClientModInitializer
(in this tutorial assume that ExampleModClient is in the same folder as the former ExampleMod is):
@Environment(EnvType.CLIENT) public class ExampleModClient implements ClientModInitializer { @Override public void onInitializeClient() { // Here we will put client-only registration code } }
Set this class as the client
entrypoint in your fabric.mod.json, if you haven't done yet (modify the path as needed):
{ [...] "entrypoints": { [...] "client": [ { "value": "net.fabricmc.example.ExampleModClient" } ] }, [...] }
And register the BlockEntityRenderer
in our ClientModInitializer
@Override public void onInitializeClient() { BlockEntityRendererFactories.register(DEMO_BLOCK_ENTITY, DemoBlockEntityRenderer::new); }
We override the render
method which gets called every frame(!), and in it we will do our rendering
- for starters, call matrices.push();
which is mandatory when doing GL calls (we will doing those right after):
public void render(DemoBlockEntity blockEntity, float tickDelta, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, int light, int overlay) { matrices.push(); }
We then perform the movement of the jukebox (matrices.translate) and rotation (matrices.multiply). There are two parts to the translation: we translate it to 0.5, 1.25, and 0.5 which is above the center of our block. The second part is the part that changes: the offset in the y value. The offset is the height of the item for any given frame. We recalculate this each time because we want it to be animating bouncing up and down. We calculate this by:
public void render(DemoBlockEntity blockEntity, float tickDelta, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, int light, int overlay) { [...] // Calculate the current offset in the y value double offset = Math.sin((blockEntity.getWorld().getTime() + tickDelta) / 8.0) / 4.0; // Move the item matrices.translate(0.5, 1.25 + offset, 0.5); // Rotate the item matrices.multiply(RotationAxis.POSITIVE_Y.rotationDegrees((blockEntity.getWorld().getTime() + tickDelta) * 4)); }
Finally, we will get the Minecraft 'ItemRenderer' and render the jukebox item by using renderItem
. We also pass ModelTransformationMode.GROUND
1) to renderItem
because we want a similiar effect to an item lying on the ground. Try experimenting with this value and see what happens (it's an enum). We also need to call matrices.pop();
after these GL calls:
public void render(DemoBlockEntity blockEntity, float tickDelta, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, int light, int overlay) { [...] MinecraftClient.getInstance().getItemRenderer().renderItem(stack, ModelTransformationMode.GROUND, light, overlay, matrices, vertexConsumers, blockEntity.getWorld(), 0); // Mandatory call after GL calls matrices.pop(); }
You can try your newly created block entity renderer right now. However, if you didn't make your block transparent, you will notice something is amiss - the floating block, the jukebox, is pitch black! This is because by default, whatever you render in the block entity, will receive light as if it's in the same position as the block entity. So the floating block receives light from inside our opaque block, which means it receives no light! To fix this, we will tell Minecraft to receive light from one block above the location of the block entity.
To get the light, we call WorldRenderer#getLightmapCoordinates()
on the position above our block entity, and to use the light we use it in renderItem()
@Override public void render(DemoBlockEntity blockEntity, float tickDelta, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, int light, int overlay) { [...] int lightAbove = WorldRenderer.getLightmapCoordinates(blockEntity.getWorld(), blockEntity.getPos().up()); MinecraftClient.getInstance().getItemRenderer().renderItem(stack, ModelTransformationMode.GROUND, lightAbove, OverlayTexture.DEFAULT_UV, matrices, vertexConsumers, blockEntity.getWorld(), 0); [...] }
The jukebox should now have the proper lighting.
Sometimes you want to render according to the block entity data (nbt), and you find they are all empty, even if you can access the data through /data get block
command. That's because you did not sync data from server to client. See Sync data from server to client.
or ModelTransformation.Type.GROUND