サードパーティライブラリの Mod
これは、さまざまなユーティリティを提供するサードパーティのライブラリ Mod のリストです。
ライブラリを作成した場合、編集権限がある場合はリストに追加するか(アルファベット順に並べるようにしてください)、必要な情報をウィキにドラッグアンドドロップします。編集権限がない場合は、 Fabric Discord サーバー に参加してください。
名前とリンク | 説明 | メンテナー |
ARRP | Creates resources and assets during runtime | HalfOf2 |
Artifice | Generated data/asset files and virtual resource pack API | Fudge |
SpoornPacks | Simple-to-use, single-line APIs for generating resource files, registration, and automatic injection | spoorn |
名前とリンク | 説明 | メンテナー |
Midnightlib | General purpose lightweight config | TeamMidnightDust |
Auto Config (1.14.x) | Annotation Based configuration API | sargunv |
Auto Config Updated (1.14-1.16) | Fork of AutoConfig for updated MC versions | sargunv, shedaniel |
CompleteConfig | Flexible configuration API | Lortseam |
Confabricate | Fabric wrapper of Sponge's Configurate with new utilities | zml2008 |
Fiber | Configuration system | 086, Pyrofab |
Oro Config | Light-weight JSON config with command and Cloth Config support | OroArmor |
Omega Config | Easy-to-use Config with robust features and GUI support | Draylar, Frqnny |
Paradox Config | Kotlin Based configuration API | RedstoneParadox |
Tweed | Configuration API allowing automation and synchronization | Siphalor |
Simple Config | Single-file simple to use config lib | magistermaks |
名前とリンク | 説明 | メンテナー |
BendyLib | API to swap and bend cuboids in existing and in new entities | KosmX |
ColoredGlowLib | API that renders glowing effect colors as RGB instead of fixed values based on teams | Emafire003 |
Custom Astral Body | API to control dimension sky, moon, and sun rendering | Vampire Studios |
GeckoLib | Powerful WYSIWYG animation library for use with animations made in blockbench. | bernie-g |
JMX | Adds increased functionality to making more advanced JSON Models with extra customizability | grondag |
JMXL | Simple library bringing extensions to the Minecraft model format, similar to JMX but supports Sodium and friends | magistermaks |
Marionette | Animation API for creating and animating entity models | RedstoneParadox |
Myron | OBJ model loading library | Frqnny |
Player Animator | Player Animation using keyframes or programmed animations | KosmX |
Renderer | An easy to use rendering library for modern Fabric | 0x150 |
Satin | Simple wrapper for Post Process Shaders | Pyrofab |
Special Model Loader | OBJ model loading library. | MORIMORI0317 |
MoreCulling | API to change how blocks are culled to improve performance | fxmorin |
名前とリンク | 説明 | メンテナー |
Banner++ | Allows mods to add new banner patterns | kvverti |
Caelus | API to provide developers access to elytra flight mechanics | TheIllusiveC4 |
ExpandAbility | Provides increased control over vanilla effects and abilities | Florens |
Fabric Shield Lib | Library to add new shields cleanly without mixins | CrimsonDawn45 |
Gourmet | Allows making items edible | deltanedas |
Statement | Extra configurability in manipulating blockstates of already existing blocks | Virtuoel |
Wandering Tradesmen | Allows you to make your own custom tradesman using LibCD scripts! | Lingardium |
名前とリンク | 説明 | メンテナー |
Arctree | Eases the awful process of creating trees in Minecraft | RedGrapefruit09 |
Cardinal Components API | Dynamic data attachments for various game objects (Blocks, Entities, Worlds…) | OnyxStudios, Pyrofab |
CrowdinTranslate | Pulls translated language files from Crowdin and renames them to MC conventions. Can work at compile time or runtime. | Giselbaer |
Curios | A flexible and expandable accessory/equipment API | TheIllusiveC4 |
FreshCoffee | A library mod that ensures you are running a supported version of Java and can install a supported one if you are not. | TheBrokenRail |
ItemNBT | Greatly enhances the item NBT features in the game with the help of reflection and dark magic | RedGrapefruit09 |
LibCBE | Allows conditional creation of block entities | BoogieMonster1O1 |
LibMultiPart | Adding multiple parts to a single (custom) block | AlexIIL |
LibSchem | A schematic parser and placer that supports the sponge schematic v2 schema | BoogieMonster1O1 |
Locki | An API for locking slots in a player's inventory | Pyrofab |
Magna | Easily create tools that breaks more than 1 block at a time | Draylar |
Matrix | Annotation based item/block registering library | Dimensional Development |
Meal API | Add foods that are more “filling” | FoundationGames |
Mesh | All-round utility library, automatic registration, recipe generation, multiblocks (WIP) | UpcraftLP |
NBT Crafting | Extends the JSON recipe system to work with NBT data | Siphalor |
oωo | Flexible automatic registration, easy particle wrapper, custom item groups, mod compat helper system and general utility functions aimed at reducing code verbosity in content mods | glisco |
Pehkui | Manipulates the size of entities | Virtuoel |
Piglib | Allows adding to the items Piglins will accept for bartering, as well as armor that will prevent them becoming aggressive, through tags | Shnupbups |
PotionRecipesLib | This simple API provides a simple way to make brewing recipes | Emafire003 |
Rayon | Rigid body simulation for Minecraft | Lazurite |
Reach Entity Attributes | Entity attributes to modify reach distance and attack range | JamiesWhiteShirt |
Size Entity Attribute Attributes | Entity attributes to modify width and height dimensions | MoriyaShiine |
StructurePlacerAPI | An API to spawn NBT structures without adding them to world gen | Emafire003 |
Tesseract | World API with optimization and extra control | Vatuu Komalia |
Towelette | API to easily allow mods to make their blocks waterloggable | Virtuoel |
Trinkets | Data driven accessory api | Emi |
名前とリンク | 説明 | メンテナー |
LibBlockAttributes | Block and Item attributes, item management, and fluid management | AlexIIL |
PlayerAbilityLib | Compatibility library allowing multiple mods to interact with PlayerAbilities | Pyrofab |
Wrenchable | Compatibility library allowing mods to make their wrenches compatible with other mods | Zundrel |
FallFlyingLib | Compatibility library allowing multiple mods to implement their own Elytra alternatives | AdrianTodt |
名前とリンク | 説明 | メンテナー |
CottonEnergy | Energy API | Cotton |
EnergonRelics API | Energy API For The Mod EnergonRelics | TheBrokenRail |
Energy | The standard Energy API created and used by Team Reborn | Team Reborn, modmuss50 |
LibPow | Flavoured energy API designed for flexibility | enderger |
Energy API に関するよくある質問に答えるには:他のほとんどのエネルギーを使用する Mod をサポートしたいために最も一般的に使用されている API を探しているだけの場合は、 TechReborn Energy を使用する必要があります。ただし、これはゲームバランスの問題につながる可能性があります。 Mod が異なれば、何かにかかる電力量に対するアプローチも異なるためです。したがって、バランスを気にする場合、またはエネルギーシステムを他の Mod から保護したい場合、または Mod 間のエネルギーの仕事量を気にしない場合は、他のオプションを見て、ニーズに合ったものを選択してください。
名前とリンク | 説明 | メンテナー |
Drawer | Automatic NBT and PacketByteBuf serializer/deserializer (Kotlin only) | Fudge |
FibLib | API for sending false data to clients | Haven King |
LibNetworkStack | Object-based networking, auto-net id assignment, buffered packets | AlexIIL |
名前とリンク | 説明 | メンテナー |
GrossFabricHacks | Adds hooks for very early initialization, mass class transformation and other hacks | HalfOf2 |
Working Scheduler | A working and comprehensive tick scheduler | Fudge |
ja/tutorial/libraries.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/30 23:41 by starboyceleste