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サードパーティライブラリの Mod

これは、さまざまなユーティリティを提供するサードパーティのライブラリ Mod のリストです。

ライブラリを作成した場合、編集権限がある場合はリストに追加するか(アルファベット順に並べるようにしてください)、必要な情報をウィキにドラッグアンドドロップします。編集権限がない場合は、 Fabric Discord サーバー に参加してください。


名前とリンク 説明 メンテナー
ARRPCreates resources and assets during runtimeHalfOf2
ArtificeGenerated data/asset files and virtual resource pack APIFudge
SpoornPacksSimple-to-use, single-line APIs for generating resource files, registration, and automatic injectionspoorn


名前とリンク 説明 メンテナー
MidnightlibGeneral purpose lightweight configTeamMidnightDust
Auto Config (1.14.x)Annotation Based configuration APIsargunv
Auto Config Updated (1.14-1.16)Fork of AutoConfig for updated MC versionssargunv, shedaniel
CompleteConfigFlexible configuration APILortseam
ConfabricateFabric wrapper of Sponge's Configurate with new utilitieszml2008
FiberConfiguration system086, Pyrofab
Oro ConfigLight-weight JSON config with command and Cloth Config supportOroArmor
Omega ConfigEasy-to-use Config with robust features and GUI supportDraylar, Frqnny
Paradox ConfigKotlin Based configuration APIRedstoneParadox
TweedConfiguration API allowing automation and synchronizationSiphalor
Simple ConfigSingle-file simple to use config libmagistermaks


名前とリンク 説明 メンテナー
BendyLibAPI to swap and bend cuboids in existing and in new entitiesKosmX
ColoredGlowLibAPI that renders glowing effect colors as RGB instead of fixed values based on teamsEmafire003
Custom Astral BodyAPI to control dimension sky, moon, and sun renderingVampire Studios
GeckoLibPowerful WYSIWYG animation library for use with animations made in blockbench.bernie-g
JMXAdds increased functionality to making more advanced JSON Models with extra customizabilitygrondag
JMXLSimple library bringing extensions to the Minecraft model format, similar to JMX but supports Sodium and friendsmagistermaks
MarionetteAnimation API for creating and animating entity modelsRedstoneParadox
MyronOBJ model loading libraryFrqnny
Player AnimatorPlayer Animation using keyframes or programmed animationsKosmX
RendererAn easy to use rendering library for modern Fabric0x150
SatinSimple wrapper for Post Process ShadersPyrofab
Special Model LoaderOBJ model loading library. MORIMORI0317
MoreCullingAPI to change how blocks are culled to improve performancefxmorin


名前とリンク 説明 メンテナー
Banner++Allows mods to add new banner patternskvverti
CaelusAPI to provide developers access to elytra flight mechanicsTheIllusiveC4
ExpandAbilityProvides increased control over vanilla effects and abilitiesFlorens
Fabric Shield LibLibrary to add new shields cleanly without mixinsCrimsonDawn45
GourmetAllows making items edibledeltanedas
StatementExtra configurability in manipulating blockstates of already existing blocksVirtuoel
Wandering TradesmenAllows you to make your own custom tradesman using LibCD scripts!Lingardium


名前とリンク 説明 メンテナー
LibGuiGraphical User Interface (GUI) toolkitCotton
Oak TreeGraphical User Interface (GUI) toolkitRedstoneParadox
SGUIGraphical User Interface (GUI) toolkit for server-side modsPatbox
SpruceUIGraphical User Interface (GUI) toolkitLambdAurora


名前とリンク 説明 メンテナー
ArctreeEases the awful process of creating trees in MinecraftRedGrapefruit09
Cardinal Components APIDynamic data attachments for various game objects (Blocks, Entities, Worlds…)OnyxStudios, Pyrofab
CrowdinTranslate Pulls translated language files from Crowdin and renames them to MC conventions. Can work at compile time or runtime. Giselbaer
CuriosA flexible and expandable accessory/equipment APITheIllusiveC4
FreshCoffeeA library mod that ensures you are running a supported version of Java and can install a supported one if you are not.TheBrokenRail
ItemNBTGreatly enhances the item NBT features in the game with the help of reflection and dark magicRedGrapefruit09
LibCBEAllows conditional creation of block entitiesBoogieMonster1O1
LibMultiPartAdding multiple parts to a single (custom) blockAlexIIL
LibSchemA schematic parser and placer that supports the sponge schematic v2 schemaBoogieMonster1O1
LockiAn API for locking slots in a player's inventoryPyrofab
MagnaEasily create tools that breaks more than 1 block at a timeDraylar
MatrixAnnotation based item/block registering libraryDimensional Development
Meal APIAdd foods that are more “filling”FoundationGames
MeshAll-round utility library, automatic registration, recipe generation, multiblocks (WIP) UpcraftLP
NBT CraftingExtends the JSON recipe system to work with NBT dataSiphalor
oωoFlexible automatic registration, easy particle wrapper, custom item groups,
mod compat helper system and general utility functions aimed at reducing code verbosity in content mods
PehkuiManipulates the size of entitiesVirtuoel
PiglibAllows adding to the items Piglins will accept for bartering, as well as armor that will prevent them becoming aggressive, through tagsShnupbups
PotionRecipesLibThis simple API provides a simple way to make brewing recipesEmafire003
RayonRigid body simulation for MinecraftLazurite
Reach Entity AttributesEntity attributes to modify reach distance and attack rangeJamiesWhiteShirt
Size Entity Attribute AttributesEntity attributes to modify width and height dimensionsMoriyaShiine
StructurePlacerAPIAn API to spawn NBT structures without adding them to world gen Emafire003
TesseractWorld API with optimization and extra controlVatuu Komalia
ToweletteAPI to easily allow mods to make their blocks waterloggableVirtuoel
TrinketsData driven accessory apiEmi


名前とリンク 説明 メンテナー
LibBlockAttributesBlock and Item attributes, item management, and fluid managementAlexIIL
PlayerAbilityLibCompatibility library allowing multiple mods to interact with PlayerAbilitiesPyrofab
WrenchableCompatibility library allowing mods to make their wrenches compatible with other modsZundrel
FallFlyingLibCompatibility library allowing multiple mods to implement their own Elytra alternativesAdrianTodt


名前とリンク 説明 メンテナー
CottonEnergyEnergy APICotton
EnergonRelics APIEnergy API For The Mod EnergonRelicsTheBrokenRail
EnergyThe standard Energy API created and used by Team RebornTeam Reborn, modmuss50
LibPowFlavoured energy API designed for flexibilityenderger

Energy API に関するよくある質問に答えるには:他のほとんどのエネルギーを使用する Mod をサポートしたいために最も一般的に使用されている API を探しているだけの場合は、 TechReborn Energy を使用する必要があります。ただし、これはゲームバランスの問題につながる可能性があります。 Mod が異なれば、何かにかかる電力量に対するアプローチも異なるためです。したがって、バランスを気にする場合、またはエネルギーシステムを他の Mod から保護したい場合、または Mod 間のエネルギーの仕事量を気にしない場合は、他のオプションを見て、ニーズに合ったものを選択してください。


名前とリンク 説明 メンテナー
DrawerAutomatic NBT and PacketByteBuf serializer/deserializer (Kotlin only)Fudge
FibLibAPI for sending false data to clientsHaven King
LibNetworkStackObject-based networking, auto-net id assignment, buffered packetsAlexIIL


名前とリンク 説明 メンテナー
GrossFabricHacksAdds hooks for very early initialization, mass class transformation and other hacksHalfOf2
Working SchedulerA working and comprehensive tick schedulerFudge
ja/tutorial/libraries.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/30 23:41 by starboyceleste