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community:optifine_alternatives [2023/09/13 18:53] – removed - external edit (Unknown date) [2024/12/27 08:59] (current) – Remove Mini Dynamic Lights poopooracoocoo
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 +====== OptiFine alternatives ====== 
 +===== Why do we need OptiFine alternatives? =====
 +OptiFine tends to cause incompatibilities with other mods and may be less effective than some of the alternatives listed below.
 +OptiFine also doesn't officially support running on Fabric. (Though you can use the [[|OptiFabric]] mod for OptiFine compatibility.)
 +===== Performance =====
 +- Sodium is a rendering engine replacement and optimization mod for the Minecraft client which greatly improves performance and graphical quality. Some mods may require [[|Indium]] to be compatible with Sodium.
 +- By CaffeineMC
 +- Lithium is a general-purpose optimization mod for Minecraft which works to improve a number of systems (game physics, mob AI, block ticking, etc) without changing any behavior.
 +- By CaffeineMC
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Memory usage optimizations
 +- By malte0811
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Improves the immediate mode rendering performance of the client.
 +- By RaphiMC
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- All-in-one mod that improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs.
 +- By embeddedt
 +**More Culling**
 +- A mod that changes how multiple types of culling are handled in order to improve performance.
 +- By FX
 +**Enhanced Block Entities**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Reduce FPS lag with block entities, as well as customize them with resource packs. Keeps chest opening animation. 
 +- By FoundationGames
 +- Removes dynamic models from chests and making them render as static chunk geometry like normal blocks. This means they will lose their lid opening animation. Redundant with Enhanced Block Entities. 
 +- By FakeDomi
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Fabric mod for rewriting the light engine to fix lighting performance and lighting errors. Incompatible with Phosphor. Redundant client side as of Minecraft 1.20.
 +- By PaperMC, Spottedstar
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Phosphor is a Minecraft mod which works to optimize one of game's most inefficient areas-- the lighting engine. Incompatible with Starlight. Redundant as of Minecraft 1.20.
 +- By CaffeineMC
 +==== Smart Leaves ====
 +**Cull Less Leaves**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Instead of leaving just the outer layer of leaves, Cull Less Leaves also renders a certain amount of layers defined in the config.
 +- By isxander
 +**More Culling**
 +- A mod that changes how multiple types of culling are handled in order to improve performance.
 +- By FX
 +**Cull Leaves**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Adds culling to leaf blocks, providing a huge performance boost over vanilla.
 +- By Motschen
 +===== Shaders =====
 +**Iris Shaders**
 +- An Open Source shader mod compatible with OptiFine shader packs. Requires Sodium. 
 +- By IrisShaders
 +**Canvas Renderer**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Canvas is a shader-based Renderer for the Fabric modding toolchain. It supports all features of the proposed Fabric Rendering API plus extensions defined in FREX. Incompatible with Sodium.
 +- By vram-guild, GrondagTheBarbarian
 +===== Zoom =====
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- A zoom mod with infinite customizability.
 +- By isxander
 +**Logical Zoom**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- This is a simple Minecraft Fabric mod that adds a configurable zoom key.
 +- By LogicalGeekBoy
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- A simple zoom mod
 +- By Nolij
 +- Highly-configurable zoom for Fabric/NeoForge. Maintained fork of OkZoomer v4
 +- By trainb0y
 +**Just Zoom**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Zoom by pressing a hotkey and adjust the zoom factor with your mouse wheel!
 +- By keksuccino
 +===== Resource Pack compatibility =====
 +==== Custom entity models (CEM) ====
 +**Entity Model Features**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- EMF is an OptiFine format Custom Entity Model replacement mod available for Fabric and Forge. 
 +- By traben_0
 +**Custom Entity Models**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- An implementation of custom entity models heavily based off of OptiFine's format that aims to achieve feature parity with OptiFine's custom entity models.
 +- By dorianpb
 +==== Emissive, custom and random entity textures ====
 +**Entity Texture Features**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Adds many new Entity Texture Features, including entity and player skin features.
 +- By traben_0
 +==== Custom item textures (CIT) ====
 +**CIT Resewn**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]] 
 +- MCPatcher's CIT rewritten outside of OptiFine as a standalone mod for Fabric.
 +- By SHsuperCM
 +==== Connected textures (CTM) and emissive textures ====
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]] 
 +- Provides OptiFine parity for resource packs that use the OptiFine CTM format. It also supports OptiFine-format emissive textures for block and item models. It includes two built-in resource packs - one provides default connected textures, similar to OptiFine, and the other provides a fix for glass pane culling.
 +- By Pepper_Bell
 +==== Animated textures ====
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Animate almost any Minecraft texture with JSON and OptiFine files. Texture configuration API. Emissive textures are available with [[|plugin]].
 +- By soir20
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]] 
 +- A mod implementing the OptiFine/MCPatcher animated texture format.
 +- By FoundationGames
 +==== Custom colors ====
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Customize Map Color, Block Colors, Colormaps and Block Sounds, Biome Colors, Dye Colors. Supports OptiFine format. For Resource Packs.
 +- By MehVahdJukaar
 +- A simple naive implementation for custom colors in resource packs with caching and blending. Supports OptiFine format.
 +- By AluTheCrow
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]] 
 +- Colormatic is an independent implementation that is resource-pack-compatible with the original Custom Colors mod for Minecraft on Fabric. It is fully compatible with resource packs that use OptiFine's custom colors feature. Colormatic sports almost all features of the original Custom Colors mod and adds a few of its own.
 +- By kwertiTheCats
 +==== Custom sky ====
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Implements Custom Skyboxes like OptiFine using a custom format.
 +- By AMereBagatelle, FlashyReese
 +**FabricSkyboxes Interop**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- FabricSkyBoxes Interoperability for MCPatcher/OptiFine Skies.
 +- By FlashyReese
 +===== Dynamic Lights =====
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- This mod adds dynamic lights to Minecraft. Dynamic lights are lights created by an entity holding an item which makes light as a block, or created by an entity on fire, etc.
 +- By LambdAurora
 +===== Fullbright =====
 +**Gamma Utils**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Gamma / brightness / night vision mod, making it easy to see in the dark. Basically fullbright for Fabric.
 +- By Sjouwer
 +**Boosted Brightness**
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Set your brightness beyond default levels
 +- By adamviola
 +**Full Brightness Toggle**
 +[[|Modrinth]] [[|CurseForge]]
 +- Press G to toggle the brightness/gamma in-game to maximum and get night vision.
 +- By Serilum
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Colormatic is an independent implementation that is resource-pack-compatible with the original Custom Colors mod for Minecraft on Fabric. It is fully compatible with resource packs that use OptiFine's custom colors feature. Colormatic sports almost all features of the original Custom Colors mod and adds a few of its own. Allows use of fullbright resource packs.
 +- By kwertiTheCats
 +===== Better Grass =====
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- OptiFine's Fancy and Fast better grass implemented on Fabric and NeoForge!
 +- By UltimatChamp
 +===== Fog control =====
 +**Sodium Extra** 
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Sodium Extra aims to bring most of OptiFine's eye-candy options to Sodium
 +- By FlashyReese
 +===== Custom splash screen =====
 +[[|Modrinth]] [[|CurseForge]]
 +- Adds resourcepack features and a GUI to more conveniently configure OptiFine alternatives.
 +===== Custom GUIs =====
 +[[|CurseForge]] [[|Modrinth]]
 +- Custom inventory GUIs with OptiFine resource pack support & many more features
 +- By opekope2