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start [2023/06/09 21:41] – old revision restored (2023/06/09 16:39) mineblock11start [2024/11/01 01:14] (current) – Fix community typo cassiancc
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 ====== Welcome to the Fabric Wiki! ====== ====== Welcome to the Fabric Wiki! ======
-Fabric is a modular modding toolchain targeting Minecraft: Java Edition 1.14 and above, including snapshots.+This resource is dedicated to Fabric. Fabric is a modular modding toolchain targeting Minecraft: Java Edition 1.14 and above, including snapshots.
-**Hint:** +Some pages on the wiki may be out-of-date or work in progress.
- +
-This is an early work-in-progress wiki dedicated to documenting the methods, tools and APIs of the Fabric project. +
- +
-Learn how to **[[wiki_meta|contribute]]** to the wiki!  +
- +
-**Make sure to check out [[community_discords|our community spaces]], and read our [[rules|Community Rules]]!** +
- +
-  * [[faq:user|Frequently Asked Questions (from users)]] +
-  * [[faq:expert|Frequently Asked Questions (expert mode)]] - a supplement to the above with more detailed answers+
 This wiki is also available in the following languages: This wiki is also available in the following languages:
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   * {{:russia.png?nolink&32|}} [[ru:start|Русский (Russian)]]   * {{:russia.png?nolink&32|}} [[ru:start|Русский (Russian)]]
   * {{:japan.png?nolink&32|}} [[ja:start|日本語 (Japanese)]]   * {{:japan.png?nolink&32|}} [[ja:start|日本語 (Japanese)]]
 +  * {{:es.png?nolink&32|}} [[es:start| Español]]
-===== Player tutorials =====+**Make sure to check out our [[community:official_community_spaces|community spaces and rules]]!**
-If you wish to use Fabric as a player, server administrator or modpack developer, these articles are for  +  * [[faq:user|Frequently Asked Questions (from users)]] 
-you:+  * [[faq:expert|Frequently Asked Questions (expert mode)]] - a supplement to the above with more detailed answers
-==== Installing Fabric Loader ====+===== Player Tutorials =====
-  * [[install|Installing Fabric]] +If you wish to use Fabric as a player, server administrator or modpack developer, you should view the [[player:tutorials:start|Player Tutorials]] section of the wiki.
-  * [[player:tutorials:install_mcl:windows|Installing Fabric using the Minecraft Launcher (Windows)]] +
-  * [[player:tutorials:install_multimc:windows|Installing Fabric using MultiMC (Windows)]] +
-  * [[player:tutorials:install_multimc:mac|Installing Fabric using MultiMC (macOS)]] +
-  * [[player:tutorials:install_gdlauncher:windows|Installing Fabric using GDLauncher (Windows)]] +
-  * [[player:tutorials:install_gdlauncher:linux|Installing Fabric using GDLauncher (Linux)]] +
-  * [[player:tutorials:server:windows|Installing a Minecraft/Fabric Server]] +
-  * [[player:tutorials:install_server|Installing a Fabric server without a GUI (e.g. Linux)]] +
-  * [[player:tutorials:adding_mods|Adding mods]]+
-==== Updating Fabric Loader ==== +  * [[player:tutorials:start#installing_fabric_loader|Installing Fabric Loader]] 
-  * [[player:tutorials:update_mcl|Update in MC Launcher]] +  * [[player:tutorials:start#updating_fabric_loader|Updating Fabric Loader]] 
-  * [[player:tutorials:updating_fabric_using_multimc_launcher|Updating an existing MultiMC Instance]]+  * [[player:tutorials:start#installing_java|Installing Java]] 
 +  * [[player:tutorials:start#troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]]
-==== Installing Java ==== +---- 
-  * [[player:tutorials:java:windows|Install/Verify Java (Windows)]] +===== Mod Developer Tutorials =====
-  * [[player:tutorials:java:mac|Install/Verify Java (macOS)]] +
-  * [[player:tutorials:java:linux|Install/Verify Java (Linux)]]+
-==== Troubleshooting ====+If you'd like to start developing with Fabric, you should check out the [[tutorial:start|Mod Developer Tutorials]] section of the wiki.
-  * [[player:tutorials:logs_ml:windows|How to post your logs to get help (Windows)]] +  * [[tutorial:start#creating_your_first_mod|Creating Your First Mod]] 
-  * [[player:tutorials:logs_ml:mac|How to post your logs to get help (macOS)]]+  * [[|Creating Your First Item]] 
 +  * [[|Creating Your First Block]] 
 +  * [[tutorial:persistent_states|Saving Custom Data Across Restarts]] 
 +  * [[tutorial:datagen_setup|Data Generation]] 
 +  * [[tutorial:dimensionconcepts|World Generation]] 
 +  * [[tutorial:mixin_introduction|Introduction to Mixins]] 
 +  * [[tutorial:commands|Creating Commands]] 
 +  * [[|Events]] 
 +  * [[tutorial:entity|Entities]] 
 +  * [[tutorial:fluids|Fluids]]
-==== Misc ====+----
-  * [[player:tutorials:muljava_mmc|Multiple Java versions in MultiMC]]+===== Documentation ===== 
 +If you want to know how projects in the Fabric toolchain work, you should check out the [[documentation:start|Documentation]] section of the wiki. 
 +  * [[documentation:start#specifications|Specifications]] 
 +  * [[documentation:start#technical_documentation|Technical Information]] 
 +  * [[documentation:start#external_documentation|External Documentation]]
 ---- ----
 ===== Modpack and Launcher Developers ===== ===== Modpack and Launcher Developers =====
-**Please keep in mind that we recommend using MultiMC and MCUpdater for modpack play and distribution.** However, that doesn't stop us from trying to support other solutions!+:!: //These pages may be slightly outdated, we are currently in process of rewriting them.// 
 +**Please keep in mind that we recommend using Minecraft Launcher and MCUpdater for modpack play and distribution.** However, that doesn't stop us from trying to support other solutions!
   * [[tutorial:mcupdater_modpacks|Using MCUpdater for Fabric modpacks]] (covers usage and creation)   * [[tutorial:mcupdater_modpacks|Using MCUpdater for Fabric modpacks]] (covers usage and creation)
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 ---- ----
-===== Tutorials for Developing with Fabric ===== 
-If you'd like to start developing with Fabric, here are some articles which might interest you. +===== Community ===== 
- +Feeling like participating in Fabric community? You may see our [[community:official community spaces]], or also understand the [[community:library mods]] or [[community:optifine_alternatives|OptiFine alternatives]] provided by the communityAll community pages can be found in the sidebar of this page.
-==== Setup ==== +
- +
-These pages will help you setup a productive development environment and semi-automated releases. +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:setup|Setting up a Development Environment]] +
-  * [[tutorial:minotaur|Publishing Mods on Modrinth with Minotaur]] +
-  * [[tutorial:cursegradle|Publishing Mods on CurseForge with CurseGradle]] +
-  * [[tutorial:publishing_mods_using_github_actions|Publishing mods on CurseForge, Modrinth & GitHub with MC-Publish]] +
- +
-==== Basics ==== +
- +
-These pages are essential must-reads when modding with Fabric, and modding Minecraft in general, if you are new to modding, it is recommended you read the following. +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:primer|Introduction to Modding Minecraft in General]] +
-  * [[tutorial:introduction|Introduction to Modding with Fabric]] +
-  * [[tutorial:reading_mc_code|Reading the Minecraft source]] +
-  * Conventions and Terminology +
-    * [[tutorial:terms|Basic Conventions and Terminology]] +
-    * [[tutorial:side|Server and Client Side Terminology]] +
-  * Registries +
-    * [[tutorial:registry|Intro to Registries]] +
-    * [[tutorial:registry_types|Standard Registries]] +
-  * Development Tools  +
-    * [[tutorial:libraries|Third-party Library Mods]] +
-    * [[tutorial:applychanges|Applying Changes without Restarting Minecraft]] +
-  * [[tutorial:lang|Creating a lang file]] +
-  * [[tutorial:mappings|Using Mappings]] +
- +
-==== Items ==== +
- +
-These pages will guide you on the creation of itemssuch as tools, armor and food. Alongside crafting recipes and enchantments. +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:items_docs|Item Documentation]] +
-  * [[tutorial:items|Practical Example: Adding an Item]] +
-    * [[tutorial:itemgroup|Creating an ItemGroup for your items]] +
-    * [[tutorial:tooltip|Adding a custom tooltip to your item]] +
-  * [[tutorial:recipes|Adding a Crafting Recipe]] +
-  * [[tutorial:armor|Adding Armor]] +
-  * [[tutorial:tools|Adding Tools]] +
-  * [[tutorial:shield|Adding a Shield]] +
-  * [[tutorial:enchantments|Adding Custom Enchantments]] +
-  * [[tutorial:model_predicate_providers|Adding Model Predicate Providers]] +
- +
-==== Blocks and Block Entities==== +
- +
-These pages will guide you through the creation of blocks, storage of items and data in blocks via block entities, and the creation of models and blockstates. +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:blocks|Adding a Block]] +
-  * [[tutorial:blockstate|Giving a Block State]] +
-    * [[tutorial:directionalblock|Making a Directional Block]] +
-    * [[tutorial:waterloggable|Make the Block Waterloggable]] +
-  * [[tutorial:blockentity|Adding a BlockEntity]] +
-  * [[tutorial:inventory|Storing Items in a Block as an Inventory]] +
-  * [[tutorial:colorprovider|Dynamically Change the Color of a Block or Item]] +
-  * [[tutorial:blockappearance|Manipulating a Block's Appearance]] +
-  * [[tutorial:dynamic_block_rendering|Rendering Blocks and Items Dynamically]] +
-    * [[tutorial:custom_model|Rendering Blocks and Items Dynamically using a custom Model]] +
-    * [[tutorial:blockentityrenderers|Rendering Blocks and Items Dynamically using Block Entity Renderers]] +
-  * [[tutorial:screenhandler|Creating a Container Block]] +
-    * [[tutorial:extendedscreenhandler|Syncing Custom Data with Extended ScreenHandlers]] +
-    * [[tutorial:propertydelegates|Syncing Integers with PropertyDelegates]] +
-  * [[tutorial:crops|Adding a Custom Crop]] +
- +
-==== Data Generation ==== +
- +
-These pages will guide you through the [[|Fabric Data Generation API]], which generates JSON files through data generators. +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:datagen_setup|Getting started using Data Generation]] +
-  * [[tutorial:datagen_advancements|Advancements Generation]] +
-  * [[tutorial:datagen_loot|Loot Table Generation]] +
-  * [[tutorial:datagen_model|Model Generation]] +
-  * [[tutorial:datagen_tags|Tag Generation]] +
-  * [[tutorial:datagen_recipe|Recipe Generation]] +
-  * [[tutorial:datagen_language|Language File Generation]] +
- +
-==== World Generation ==== +
- +
-These pages will guide you through world generation concepts. +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:dimensionconcepts|Dimension Concepts]] +
-  * [[tutorial:ores|Generating Custom Ores]] +
-  * [[tutorial:features|Adding Features]] +
-  * [[tutorial:trees|Adding Trees (Advanced)]] +
-  * [[|Adding Structure Features]] (third-party tutorial) +
-  * [[|Adding Biomes]] (vanilla tutorial) +
-    * [[tutorial:biomes|Adding Biomes in old versions]] +
-  * [[tutorial:chunkgenerator|Custom Chunk Generators (DRAFT)]] +
-  * [[tutorial:world_presets|Adding World Presets]] +
-  * [[|Adding Dimensions]] (vanilla tutorial) +
-    * [[tutorial:custom_portals|Creating a Custom Portal]] +
- +
-==== Commands ==== +
- +
-These pages will guide you through [[|Mojang's Brigadier library]] which allows you to create commands with complex arguments and actions. +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:commands|Creating Commands]] +
-  * [[tutorial:command_exceptions|Command Exceptions]] +
-  * [[tutorial:command_suggestions|Command Suggestions]] +
-  * [[tutorial:command_redirects|Command Redirects]] +
-  * [[tutorial:command_argument_types|Command Argument Types]] +
-  * [[tutorial:command_examples|Command Examples]] +
- +
-==== Events ==== +
- +
-These pages will guide you through using the many events included in [[|Fabric API]], and how to create your own events for you or other mods to use. +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:callbacks|Listening to Events]] +
-  * [[tutorial:events|Creating Custom Events]] +
-  * [[tutorial:adding_to_loot_tables|Adding Items to Existing Loot Tables]] +
-  * [[tutorial:event_index|Event Index (DRAFT)]] +
- +
-==== Entities ==== +
-  * [[tutorial:entity|Adding an Entity]] +
-  * [[tutorial:spawn_egg|Adding a Custom Spawn Egg]] +
-  * [[tutorial:projectiles|Creating a Custom Projectile]] +
- +
-==== Fluids ==== +
-  * [[tutorial:fluids|Creating a Fluid]] +
- +
-==== Mixins & ASM ==== +
- +
-These pages will guide you through the usage of [[|SpongePowered's Mixin library]], which is a highly complex topicWe recommend you read these pages thoroughly.  +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:mixin_introduction|Introduction]] +
-  * [[tutorial:mixin_registration|Mixin registration]] +
-  * [[tutorial:mixin_injects|Injects]] +
-  * [[tutorial:mixin_accessors|Accessors and Invokers]] +
-  * [[tutorial:mixin_redirectors|Redirectors]] +
-    * [[tutorial:mixin_redirectors_methods|Method redirectors]] +
-  * [[tutorial:mixin_tips|Tips]] +
-  * [[tutorial:mixin_examples|Examples]] +
-  * [[tutorial:mixin_hotswaps|Hotswapping Mixins]] +
-  * [[tutorial:mixin_export|Exporting Mixin Classes]] +
-  * [[tutorial:accesswideners |Access Wideners]] +
-  * [[tutorial:reflection|Reflection]] +
-  * [[tutorial:interface_injection|Interface Injection]]  +
- +
-==== Miscellaneous ==== +
- +
-:!: //Some of these pages are currently being written.// +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:recipe_types_introduction|Introduction to RecipeTypes]] +
-    * [[tutorial:recipe_type|Adding a recipe type (DRAFT)]] +
-    * [[tutorial:cooking_recipe_type|Adding a cooking recipe type]] +
-  * [[tutorial:mining_levels|Mining Levels]] +
-  * [[tutorial:global_data|Global World Data]] +
-    * [[tutorial:persistent_states|Persistent States]] +
-  * [[tutorial:pixel_raycast|Raycasting]] +
-  * [[tutorial:keybinds|Custom Keybindings]] +
-  * [[tutorial:networking|Networking]] +
-  * [[tutorial:status_effects|Status Effects]] +
-  * [[tutorial:particles|Adding a Particle]] +
-  * [[tutorial:sounds|Playing Sounds]] +
-  * [[tutorial:gamerule|Custom Gamerule]] +
-  * [[tutorial:custom_resources|Custom Data/Resource Pack Resources]] +
-  * [[tutorial:tags|Tag Conventions]] +
-  * [[tutorial:list_of_useful_gists|List of Useful Tutorials]] +
-  * [[tutorial:stats|Adding Player Statistics]] +
-  * [[tutorial:modding_tips|Modding Tips]]  +
-  * [[tutorial:datafixer|DataFixers [WIP]]] +
-  * [[tutorial:transfer-api|Fluid, Item and Energy Transfer]] +
-  * [[tutorial:screen|Creating a Screen]] +
-  * [[|Enabling Log4j Debug Messages]] +
- +
-==== Yarn ==== +
-  * [[tutorial:migratemappings|Updating Yarn mappings in a Java codebase]] +
-  * [[tutorial:updating_yarn|Updating Yarn to a new Minecraft version]] +
- +
-==== Contribute to Fabric ==== +
- +
-  * [[tutorial:feature_procedure|The Fabric Feature Procedure]] +
-  * [[tutorial:fablabs|FabLabs]] +
-  * [[|Fabric on GitHub]] +
-  * [[|Yarn Mappings on GitHub]] +
- +
-Looking for old tutorials? They've probably been archived. [[tutorial:archived_pages|You can view archived pages here.]] +
- +
-===== Documentation ===== +
- +
-  * [[documentation:fabric_mod_json|Structure of fabric.mod.json]] +
-  * [[documentation:fabric_mod_json_spec|fabric.mod.json specification]] +
-  * [[documentation:entrypoint|Entrypoints]] +
-  * [[|Mixin library wiki]] +
-  * [[documentation:rendering|Rendering in Fabric (DRAFT)]] +
-  * [[documentation:build_pipelines|Fabric build pipelines (DRAFT)]] +
-  * [[documentation:fabric_loader|Fabric Loader]] +
-  * [[documentation:fabric_loom|Fabric Loom]] +
- +
-==== Examples ==== +
- +
-  * [[|Mod environment template]]+
 ---- ----
 ===== Contributing to the Wiki ===== ===== Contributing to the Wiki =====
-  * [[wiki_meta|Wiki Meta]] - Starting point for contributing to the wiki +The Wiki is mostly maintained by the community, for the community. If you are interested in contributing to the wiki, check out the following pages first: 
-  * [[wiki_agenda|Wiki Agenda]] - See what is on the current agenda, and what other contributors are currently working on.+ 
 +  * [[wiki:meta|Wiki Meta]] - Starting point for contributing to the wiki 
 +  * [[wiki:agenda|Wiki Agenda]] - See what is on the current agenda, and what other contributors are currently working on.
start.1686346912.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/09 21:41 by mineblock11