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Preguntas frecuentes (para jugadores)

¡Este es una versión simplificada! Para respuestas técnicas, ver Preguntas frecuentes (modo experto) - con más detalle


¿Qué versiones de Minecraft soporta Fabric?

Para la mayoría de casos la respuesta es “snapshot 18w43b y posteriores, versiones posteriores a la 1.14”

Existen maneras para usar Fabric en versiones mas viejas, pero no son oficiales o importantes - ver las preguntas frecuentes modo experto para más detalles

¿Dónde puedo descargar mods hechos en Fabric?

Están normalmente en CurseForge o Modrinth. También algunos autores publican sus mods en sitios como GitHub, GitLab o en su propio sitio. Ver Agregar mods para mas información.

¿Hay modpacks ya hechos en Fabric?

Sí. Modpacks hechos en Fabric pueden ser encontrados en sitios web como:

Algunos modpacks pueden estar distribuidos en el formato de CurseForge, Modrinth, Multimc, o algún otro formato.

¿Cómo puedo descargar algún modpack hecho en Fabric?

Puedes usar launchers para buscar e instalar modpacks:

Algunos modpacks también te permiten descargar un “server” pack para instalarlo en el Minecraft Launcher.

Si alguien comparte algún modpack ya exportado, podrás importarlo en alguno de estos launchers.

¿Qué launchers puedo usar para jugar con mods hechos en Fabric (dentro de un modpack ya hecho)?

Desde agosto de 2023, los siguientes launchers están disponibles para esto:

  • Official Launcher - an installer is available on Fabric's download page. A guide is available
  • MultiMC - a guide is available for Windows, and for macOS; there is an “Install Fabric” button to easily install Fabric loader.
  • Prism Launcher
  • CurseForge App - supports Fabric, just choose “Fabric” then select a version when creating a modpack.
  • GDLauncher - supports Fabric, just choose “Fabric” then select a version when creating an instance. A guide is available for Windows and Linux
  • ATLauncher - supports Fabric download and installation.
  • Modrinth App
  • HMCL - supports Fabric download and installation, including sources from mirror websites.

Please keep in mind that Fabric API is a separate component and must be downloaded separately - you can find it on CurseForge or Modrinth.

What launchers can I use to share a Fabric modpack?

As of August 2023, the following launchers are available for this:

  • MCUpdater - guide
  • Technic (Solder) - guide
  • ATLauncher - guide
  • MultiMC
  • Prism Launcher
  • CurseForge App
  • GDLauncher
  • Modrinth App
  • Packwiz (CLI)
  • Moddermore (website)

Why should I use an alternative launcher?

The default, vanilla Minecraft Launcher is oftentimes not enough to manage a lot of modded instances. For that reason, alternative Minecraft launchers were created.

Advantages of using an alternative launcher:

  • Easily install Fabric
  • Built-in mod downloading and updating
  • Automatically download mod dependencies
  • Built-in modpack downloading and updating
  • Allow you to export and import modpacks
  • Designed specifically for modded Minecraft
  • Automatically create separate folders for instances which helps you separate your saves
  • May launch faster


Can Fabric run together with Bukkit/Spigot/Paper?

Not at the moment. This may change by the end of the year, but is unlikely to be officially supported.

Can Fabric run together with Forge?

No. Forge mods must run on Forge, and Fabric mods must run on Fabric. You cannot mix mods.

  • Fabric does not work on top of Forge.
  • It is theoretically possible to create a way to do so - that is to say, there are no known major technical obstacles in accomplishing such.
  • There were some experiments and discussions done in this regard (as of 30th June), but nothing usable by end users or mod developers.

The development team does not consider Forge interoperability a high-priority goal, as our focus in our limited time dedicated to the project is on supporting the Fabric community and its developers and users.

Can Fabric run together with OptiFine?

Consider using an OptiFine alternative, as unofficial mods such as OptiFabric may not be compatible with your mods.

OptiFine Alternatives

LambdAurora's OptiFine alternatives

The future of Optifabric and recommended alternatives

Oh no! I've tried enabling shaders on OptiFine and my world looks all weird!

Fabric's rendering patches, while as minimally invasive as possible, make some assumptions about the data format used internally by the vanilla rendering system. Shaders break this assumption, so things go awry. Workarounds do exist and are implemented by the most recent versions of said unofficial mods.

DO NOT downgrade Fabric API as a workaround for this. It's a bad idea.

Can Fabric run together with Sponge?

Not at the moment. Sponge does not yet have a ready API or a working implementation for 1.14, the Minecraft version that Fabric runs on.

es/faq/user.1698000546.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/22 18:49 by binaris00