Just download MCUpdater from mcupdater.com! To add modpacks, press the “+” in the top-left corner and insert the .XML modpack definition URL provided by the modpack creator. To update a modpack, press “Update”; keep in mind launching Minecraft does not automatically update the modpack.
java -jar MCU-FastPack-latest.jar --path MODPACK_PATH --baseURL HTTP_WEB_SERVER_URL --mc MC_VERSION --fabric //FABRIC_VERSION// --out XML_FILE
, where:
You're done! You now have an MCUpdater Fabric modpack.
java -jar MCU-FastPack-latest.jar --path MODPACK_PATH --baseURL HTTP_WEB_SERVER_URL --mc MC_VERSION --out XML_FILE
, where:
You're done! You now have an MCUpdater Fabric modpack.
A full guide is provided here.