Table of Contents

Tiny v2

Tiny v2 consists of a list of hierarchical sections. Every line starts a new section, whether it continues an existing section is determined by the indentation level. A section's parent is always the closest preceding section indented once less than itself. Accordingly, a section ends just before the next line with the same or a lesser indentation level.

The child-to-parent relationships form the paths to uniquely identify any element globally. For example, all field and method sections that are children of a class section represent members of the represented class.

Sections need to be unique within their level. For example a specific class may only be recorded once, a comment can't be redefined or the same parameter listed twice.


tiny	2	0	official	intermediary	named
	someProperty	someValue
c	a	class_123	pkg/SomeClass
	f	[I	a	field_789	someField
	m	(III)V	a	method_456	someMethod
		p	1		param_0	x
		p	2		param_1	y
		p	3		param_2	z
		c	Just a method for demonstrating the format.
c	b	class_234	pkg/xy/AnotherClass
	m	(Ljava/lang/String;)I	a	method_567	anotherMethod


<file>                          ::= <header> | <header> <content>

<header>                        ::= 'tiny' <tab> <major-version> <tab> <minor-version> <tab> <namespace-a> <tab> <namespace-b> <extra-namespaces> <eol> <properties>
<major-version>                 ::= <non-negative-int>
<minor-version>                 ::= <non-negative-int>
<namespace-a>                   ::= <namespace>
<namespace-b>                   ::= <namespace>
<extra-namespaces>              ::= '' | <tab> <namespace> <extra-namespaces>
<namespace>                     ::= <safe-string>

<properties>                    ::= '' | <tab> <property> <eol> <properties>
<property>                      ::= <property-key> | <property-key> <tab> <property-value>
<property-key>                  ::= <safe-string>
<property-value>                ::= <escaped-string>

<content>                       ::= '' | <class-section> <content>

<class-section>                 ::= 'c' <tab> <class-name-a> <tab> <class-name-b> <extra-ns-class-names> <eol> <class-sub-sections>
<class-name-a>                  ::= <class-name>
<class-name-b>                  ::= <optional-class-name>
<optional-class-name>           ::= '' | <class-name>
<extra-ns-cls-names>            ::= '' | <tab> <optional-class-name> <extra-ns-class-names>
<class-name>                    ::= <conf-safe-string>
<class-sub-sections>            ::= '' | <class-comment-section> <class-sub-sections> | <field-section> <class-sub-sections> | <method-section> <class-sub-sections>

<field-section>                 ::= <tab> 'f' <tab> <field-desc-a> <tab> <field-name-a> <tab> <field-name-b> <extra-ns-field-names> <eol> <field-sub-sections>
<field-name-a>                  ::= <field-name>
<field-name-b>                  ::= <optional-field-name>
<optional-field-name>           ::= '' | <field-name>
<extra-ns-field-names>          ::= '' | <tab> <optional-field-name> <extra-ns-field-names>
<field-name>                    ::= <conf-safe-string>
<field-desc-a>                  ::= <field-desc>
<field-desc>                    ::= <conf-safe-string>
<field-sub-sections>            ::= '' | <member-comment-section> <field-sub-sections>

<method-section>                ::= <tab> 'm' <tab> <method-desc-a> <tab> <method-name-a> <tab> <method-name-b> <extra-ns-method-names> <eol> <method-sub-sections>
<method-name-a>                 ::= <method-name>
<method-name-b>                 ::= <optional-method-name>
<optional-method-name>          ::= '' | <method-name>
<extra-ns-method-names>         ::= '' | <tab> <optional-method-name> <extra-ns-method-names>
<method-name>                   ::= <conf-safe-string>
<method-desc-a>                 ::= <method-desc>
<method-desc>                   ::= <conf-safe-string>
<method-sub-sections>           ::= '' | <member-comment-section> <method-sub-sections> | <method-parameter-section> <method-sub-sections> | <method-variable-section> <method-sub-sections>

<method-parameter-section>      ::= <tab> <tab> 'p' <tab> <lv-index> <tab> <var-name-a> <tab> <var-name-b> <extra-ns-var-names> <eol> <method-parameter-sub-sections>
<var-name-a>                    ::= <optional-var-name>
<var-name-b>                    ::= <optional-var-name>
<optional-var-name>             ::= '' | <var-name>
<extra-ns-var-names>            ::= '' | <tab> <optional-var-name> <extra-ns-var-names>
<var-name>                      ::= <conf-safe-string>
<lv-index>                      ::= <non-negative-int>
<method-parameter-sub-sections> ::= '' | <var-comment-section> <method-parameter-sub-sections>

<method-variable-section>       ::= <tab> <tab> 'v' <tab> <lv-index> <tab> <lv-start-offset> <tab> <optional-lvt-index> <tab> <var-name-a> <tab> <var-name-b> <extra-ns-var-names> <eol> <method-variable-sub-sections>
<lv-start-offset>               ::= <non-negative-int>
<optional-lvt-index>            ::= '-1' | <lvt-index>
<lvt-index>                     ::= <non-negative-int>
<method-variable-sub-sections>  ::= '' | <var-comment-section> <method-variable-sub-sections>

<comment>                       ::= <escaped-string>
<class-comment-section>         ::= <tab> 'c' <tab> <comment> <eol>
<member-comment-section>        ::= <tab> <tab> 'c' <tab> <comment> <eol>
<var-comment-section>           ::= <tab> <tab> <tab> 'c' <tab> <comment> <eol>


Miscellaneous Notes

Standard Properties