====== Adding Particles ======
Particles are textures used for special events and additional VFX. They are used on explosions, torches, dripping water and more!
===== Adding Simple Particles =====
Simple Particles might only use Minecraft's own particle Factories. This means all behavior must be equal to an already-existing particle in vanilla. For this example, we'll do a green-variant of ''FlameParticle'' - the particle used for the top of torches.
==== Initial register ====
First, register your particle in your ''ModInitializer'':
public class ExampleMod implements ModInitializer {
// instance of our particle
public static final DefaultParticleType GREEN_FLAME = FabricParticleTypes.simple();
public void onInitialize() {
Registry.register(Registry.PARTICLE_TYPE, new Identifier("modid", "green_flame"), GREEN_FLAME);
==== Client-side register ====
Now, we need to register it client-side. Create a class that implements ''ClientModInitializer'' (if one does not exist already):
public class ExampleModClient implements ClientModInitializer {
public void onInitializeClient() {
/* Adds our particle textures to vanilla's Texture Atlas so it can be shown properly.
* Modify the namespace and particle id accordingly.
* This is only used if you plan to add your own textures for the particle. Otherwise, remove this.*/
ClientSpriteRegistryCallback.event(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE).register(((atlasTexture, registry) -> {
registry.register(new Identifier("modid", "particle/green_flame"));
/* Registers our particle client-side.
* First argument is our particle's instance, created previously on ExampleMod.
* Second argument is the particle's factory. The factory controls how the particle behaves.
* In this example, we'll use FlameParticle's Factory.*/
ParticleFactoryRegistry.getInstance().register(ExampleMod.GREEN_FLAME, FlameParticle.Factory::new);
==== Model & Texture ====
Our particle is now properly implemented... //code-wise//. Before starting the game, you'll need to create two files: the particle's **model** and **texture**.
"textures": [
This will tell Minecraft which textures are used for our particle. Since we're using FlameParticle's Factory, we'll use only one particle, just as the former. **TIP:** you can use Minecraft's own textures!
Now, add your particle's textures to the following path:
Recommended texture size is **16x16** pixels.
If you did everything correctly, your particle should now work flawlessly! You might test it using the command ''/particle modid:green_flame ~ ~ ~''.
===== Adding Complex Particles =====
The sourcecode for this tutorial is available here: [[https://github.com/Luligabi1/ParticleExampleMod|ParticleExampleMod]]