====== Mixin Injects ======
===== Introduction =====
Injects allows you to place custom code at a specified position inside an existing method. For a working example, view the [[tutorial:mixin_injects#practical_example|Practical Example]] category at the bottom of this page. The standard form of an inject is as shown:
private void injectMethod(METHOD ARGS, CallbackInfo info) {
The [[https://github.com/SpongePowered/Mixin/wiki/Injection-Point-Reference|Injection Point Reference]] defines where the code inside the method body is injected inside the target method. The following table describes a few of the options:
^ Name ^ Description ^
| HEAD | Top of the method |
| RETURN | Before every return statement |
| INVOKE | At a method call |
| TAIL | Before the final return statement |
In the case of injection points that reference statements or members, the target value can be set inside //@At//. Target value is specified using JVM bytecode descriptors.
Oracle defines the following [[https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se14/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.3.2|field descriptors]]:
^ Descriptor ^ Primitive ^ Description ^
| B | byte | signed byte |
| C | char | Unicode character code point in the Basic Multilingual Plane, encoded with UTF-16 |
| D | double | double-precision floating-point value |
| F | float | single-precision floating-point value |
| I | int | signed integer |
| J | long | signed long integer |
| L//ClassName//; | reference | an instance of //ClassName// |
| S | short | signed short |
| Z | boolean | ''true'' or ''false'' |
| [ | reference | one array dimension |
A method descriptor is comprised of the method name, followed by a set of parentheses containing the parameter types, followed by the return type. A method defined in Java as ''Object m(int i, double[] d, Thread t)'' would have the method descriptor ''m(I[DLjava/lang/Thread;)Ljava/lang/Object;''.
In the case that the return type is void, you need to use V (Void Descriptor Type) as the type (for example, ''void foo(String bar)'' would become ''foo(Ljava/lang/String;)V'').
Generics' types are left out, as generics don't exist on runtime. So ''Pair>'' would become ''Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair''.
''@Inject'' methods always have a void return type. The method name does not matter and neither does the access modifier; using something that describes what the inject does is best. The target method's arguments are placed first in the method's header, followed by a ''CallbackInfo'' object. If the target method has a return type (T), ''CallbackInfoReturnable'' is used instead of ''CallbackInfo''.
=== Returning & Cancelling from Inject ===
To cancel or return early inside a method, use ''CallbackInfo#cancel'' or ''CallbackInfoReturnable#setReturnValue(T)''. Note that ''cancel'' does not have to be called after ''setReturnValue''. In both instances, ''cancellable'' will have to be set to true in the inject annotation:
@Inject(method = "...", at = @At("..."), cancellable = true)
=== Injecting into Constructors ===
To inject into a constructor, use ''()V'' as the method target, with ''()'' containing the constructor argument descriptors. When injecting into constructors, ''@At'' must be set to either ''TAIL'' or ''RETURN''. No other forms of injection are officially supported. Note that some classes have methods named ''init'' which are different from ''''. Don't get confused!
To inject into a static constructor, use '''' as the method name.
===== Practical Example =====
The following example injects a print statement at the top of ''TitleScreen#init'' (note: the method ''init'' is a normal method and not a constructor).
public class ExampleMixin {
@Inject(at = @At("HEAD"), method = "init()V")
private void init(CallbackInfo info) {
System.out.println("This line is printed by an example mod mixin!");
For more information on this particular example, view its usage in the [[https://github.com/FabricMC/fabric-example-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/net/fabricmc/example/mixin/ExampleMixin.java|Fabric Example Mod repo]].