====== Adding an Entity ======
==== Introduction ====
Entities are the next step to take after adding an item and block to your game.
To add an entity, you will need 3 primary classes:
* an Entity class, which gives your creature logic/AI
* a Renderer class, which allows you to connect your entity to a model
* a Model class, which is what your player sees in the game
We're going to be creating a cookie creeper that launches cookies everywhere when it explodes.
==== Registering an Entity ====
Unlike blocks & items, you basically always want a class fully dedicated to your entity. We're making a creeper clone, so we'll make our entity class extend CreeperEntity:
public class CookieCreeperEntity extends CreeperEntity {
Your IDE should instruct you to create a constructor matching the super -- do that now.
To register your entity, we'll use Registry.ENTITY_TYPE. To get the required registry instance, you can either use EntityType.Builder or FabricEntityTypeBuilder -- we recommend using the second one.
public static final EntityType COOKIE_CREEPER =
new Identifier("wiki_entity", "cookie_creeper"),
FabricEntityTypeBuilder.create(EntityCategory.AMBIENT, CookieCreeperEntity::new).dimensions(EntityDimensions.fixed(1, 2)).build()
Note that, if your entity class has more than one constructor, you may need to cast the constructor reference, like so:
FabricEntityTypeBuilder.create(EntityCategory.AMBIENT, (EntityType.EntityFactory) CookieCreeperEntity::new)
The dimensions() method allows you to set the hitbox of your entity. A creeper is 1 block wide and 2 blocks tall, so we'll use (1, 2).
If you load up your game at this point, you will be able to use /summon to see your creation. If all went right, it should appear as a normal creeper. I would not recommend going into survival.
==== Creating a renderer ====
Our Cookie creeper automatically has a model because it extended the Creeper class. We're going to change the skin to a cookie skin instead of the normal green camo color.
First, create a MobEntityRenderer class. MobEntityRenderer has 2 generic types: the entity & model. Because we're using the Creeper model to start, we'll also have to tell Creeper model this is not a Creeper Entity by giving it a type as well.
public class CookieCreeperRenderer extends MobEntityRenderer> {
You'll need to override the getTexture method as well as adding in the constructor. The constructor, by default, has 3 arguments (EntityRenderDispatcher, EntityModel, float), but we can remove the last 2 and create them ourselves:
public CookieCreeperRenderer(EntityRenderDispatcher entityRenderDispatcher_1)
super(entityRenderDispatcher_1, new CreeperEntityModel<>(), 1);
For the getTexture method, you need to return your model's texture. If it is null, //your entity will be invisible//. This is a 100% guaranteed way to spend 3 hours trying to figure out why your model is not working. For your convenience, I have created a Cookie Creeper texture available to all, which you can download from [[https://imgur.com/a/o3TOlxN|here]].
The default entity texture folder convention is: textures/entity/entity_name/entity.png. Here's an example implementation:
protected Identifier getTexture(CookieCreeperEntity cookieCreeperEntity)
return new Identifier("wiki_entity:textures/entity/cookie_creeper/creeper.png");
with the file being stored at resources/assets/wiki_entity/textures/entity/cookie_creeper/creeper.png.
Finally, you'll need to connect your entity to your renderer. As rendering only happens client-side, you should always do this kind of work in a ClientModInitializer:
EntityRendererRegistry.INSTANCE.register(ModEntities.COOKIE_CREEPER, (entityRenderDispatcher, context) -> new CookieCreeperRenderer(entityRenderDispatcher));
This links our entity to our new renderer class. If you load into the game, you should see our new friend:
If you wanted to use your own model, you could create a new class that extends EntityModel and exchange the Creeper model in our renderer for it. This is fairly complex and will be covered in a separate tutorial.
==== Adding a Spawn Egg ====
To give your entity a spawn egg, simply create and register a ''SpawnEggItem''. Spawn eggs have a primary color and a secondary color. The primary color is the background color of the egg, and the secondary color is the color of the spots.
Registry.register(Registry.ITEM, new Identifier("wiki_entity", "cookie_creeper_spawn_egg"), new SpawnEggItem(ModEntities.COOKIE_CREEPER, 0x0DA70B, 0x73420E, new Item.Settings().group(ItemGroup.MISC)));
You also need to give your spawn egg a model at ''.../assets/wiki_entity/models/item/cookie_creeper_spawn_egg.json'':
"parent": "item/template_spawn_egg"
Also, remember to add a language translation entry for ''item.wiki_entity.cookie_creeper_spawn_egg''.
==== Natural Spawning ====
Our cookie creeper may be able to be summoned with the ''/summon'' command or the spawn egg, but for the survival player it's not going to appear anywhere. We're going to make the creeper only appear in the plains biome.
For your entity to spawn, you must put it in the biome's spawn list:
public void onInitialize() {
// Entity registration
Biomes.PLAINS.getEntitySpawnList(EntityCategory.MONSTER).add(new Biome.SpawnEntry(COOKIE_CREEPER, 100, 4, 4));
This tells Minecraft to spawn our entity in the plains biome. The 3 trailing arguments in SpawnEntry are:
* weight
* minGroupSize
* maxGroupSize
The weight, minGroupSize and maxGroupSize for the Cookie Creeper have been directly taken from an actual creeper entry in the PlainsBiome class.
Once this is complete, you should see the cookie creeper spawn in the wild (plains biome)!
==== Entity Drops (loot tables) ====
When you kill the cookie creeper, at the moment it doesn't drop anything! For this example, We'll be making the cookie creeper drop 1 cookie every time you kill it.
For this, we need to use loot tables. To get started, we're going to create the file that tells Minecraft what our entity loot table is (''resources/data/wiki_entity/loot_tables/entities/cookie_creeper.json''):
"type": "minecraft:entity",
"pools": [
"rolls": 1,
"entries": [
"type": "minecraft:item",
"name": "minecraft:cookie"
This tells Minecraft to always drop a cookie when our Cookie Creeper is killed.
You can add more entries by just creating another object in the ''entries'' array, e.g:
"entries": [
"type": "minecraft:item",
"name": "minecraft:cookie"
"type": "minecraft:item",
"name": "minecraft:gunpowder"
If all went well, you can start your game and start getting some cookies!