====== Player Tutorials ====== **//:!: If you are trying to develop a mod, please checkout the [[tutorial:start|Fabric Modding Tutorials]] section of the wiki instead.//** This section of the wiki is for players, server administrators or modpack developers. If you are struggling, feel free to ask for help in [[community:official_community_spaces|our community spaces]]. ==== Installing Fabric Loader ==== If you want to install Fabric Loader, these pages provide step-by-step guides on how to do so using various launchers and operating systems. * [[https://docs.fabricmc.net/players/installing-fabric|Installing Fabric]] * [[https://docs.fabricmc.net/players/installing-fabric|Installing Fabric using the Minecraft Launcher]] * [[player:tutorials:server:windows|Installing a Minecraft/Fabric Server]] * [[player:tutorials:install_server|Installing a Fabric server without a GUI (e.g. Linux)]] * [[https://docs.fabricmc.net/players/installing-mods|Installing Mods]] * [[https://docs.fabricmc.net/players/updating-fabric|Updating Fabric Loader (Minecraft Launcher)]] ==== Installing Java ==== Don't have Java installed? Check out the following pages for guides on how to install a suitable JDK. * [[https://docs.fabricmc.net/players/installing-java/windows|Install/Verify Java (Windows)]] * [[player:tutorials:java:mac|Install/Verify Java (macOS)]] * [[https://docs.fabricmc.net/players/installing-java/linux|Install/Verify Java (Linux)]] ==== Third Party Guides ==== Fabric does not endorse any third-party tools listed within this section, and we do not provide support for them. If you encounter any issues with these tools, please report them to the respective tool's developers. * [[player:tutorials:third-party:modrinth|Modrinth App]] * [[player:tutorials:third-party:curseforge|CurseForge App]] * [[player:tutorials:third-party:prism|Prism Launcher]] * [[player:tutorials:third-party:atlauncher|ATLauncher]] * [[player:tutorials:third-party:gdlauncher|GDLauncher]] * [[player:tutorials:third-party:ftb|FTB App]] ==== Troubleshooting ==== Having issues? Follow these pages to figure out how to upload your logs to a file hosting site, to allow other users to aid your troubles. * [[https://docs.fabricmc.net/players/troubleshooting/uploading-logs|How to post your logs to get help]] ==== Legacy Tutorials ==== :!: These pages may be outdated, read them at your own risk. * [[player:tutorials:install_multimc:windows|Installing Fabric using MultiMC (Windows)]] * [[player:tutorials:install_multimc:mac|Installing Fabric using MultiMC (macOS)]] * [[player:tutorials:install_gdlauncher:windows|Installing Fabric using GDLauncher (Windows)]] * [[player:tutorials:install_gdlauncher:linux|Installing Fabric using GDLauncher (Linux)]] * [[player:tutorials:muljava_mmc|Multiple Java versions in MultiMC]]