#REDIRECT https://docs.fabricmc.net/players/troubleshooting/uploading-logs ====== How to post your logs to get help ====== When requesting support for a crash or other error, you should provide error logs so people can help you. **Do not copy and paste, drag and drop, screenshot, or significantly alter your logs.** When sharing a large piece of code or a log, **use a paste site** then post the link to it on Discord. ===== Upload your log ===== Dumping your logs will result in a large embedded code block in your message, making it difficult to read previous messages. Text files cannot be viewed on Discord for mobile, and Discord for desktop only shows a limited preview of files. Uploading your logs to a paste site means that volunteers do not need to download your log to view it. Some paste sites come with syntax highlighting which make it easier to read, and some automatically censor sensitive information. Open the log file, copy the contents to the clipboard, and paste them onto a paste site, for example: * https://gist.github.com/ 100MB Requires member (Free) * https://pastebin.com/ 512KB as guest, 10MB as Pro ($$$) * https://hastebin.com/ 400KB * https://paste.ee/ 1MB as guest, 6MB as member (Free) * https://paste.gg/ 15MB * https://mclo.gs/ 10 MiB / Anonymous (designed specifically for Minecraft logs) Once you create the paste, share the link in the [[https://discord.gg/v6v4pMv|Fabric Discord server]] so others can help you. ===== Locating logs ===== ==== Logs ==== Even if a crash report is not generated, a log always will be and will contain more than just crash information. Logs can be found in the **''logs''** folder of your game directory. The latest log is called **''latest.log''**. Previous logs have the pattern **''yyyy-mm-dd_number.log.gz''** ==== Crash reports ==== Crash reports can be found in the **''crash-reports''** folder of your game directory. Crash report filenames will have the pattern **''crash-yyyy-mm-dd_hh.mm.ss-client.txt''** or **''crash-yyyy-mm-dd_hh.mm.ss-server.txt''** Keep in mind that you can sort folders in file managers to more easily find the newest file. File name extensions are not shown by default on most systems so the **''latest.log''** will appear to be a text file called **''latest''**, for example. ---- ===== Additional information ===== ==== Minecraft Launcher - Default "Game Directory" ==== **FINDING THE MINECRAFT APPLICATION FOLDER:** Windows: Press Win+R and type **''%appdata%\.minecraft''** and press OK macOS: In Finder, in the Go menu, select “Go to Folder” and enter ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft Linux: **''~/.minecraft''** or **''/home//.minecraft/''** ---- ==== Minecraft Launcher - Custom "Game Directory" ==== If the installation has a custom "Game Directory" the log files will be located inside the custom "Game Directory" of the Installation. The latest log can be found in **''customGameDirectory\logs\''** The latest crash log can be found in the folder **''customGameDirectory\crash-reports\''** ---- ==== CurseForge App ==== You can right click on an instance on the homepage and select "Open Folder" to show its folder. By default, the CurseForge App installs Minecraft instances in: Windows: ''C:\Users\username\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\instancename\'' ---- ==== Modrinth App ==== The Modrinth App allows you to upload to a paste site from the app. Click on an instance, click the "Logs" page in the sidebar, and from there you can either copy the logs, or share them, which will upload the log file to mclo.gs. You may need to click the drop-down to find your latest.log as REI logs will be shown first. Note that crash reports and JVM crash reports are not shown in-app. You must click the open folder button on the left and navigate to your ''crash-reports'' folder. JVM crash reports can be found in the instance's folder. ---- ==== GDLauncher ==== You can right click on an instance on the homepage and select "Open Folder" to show its folder. GDLauncher by default installs Minecraft instances in: Windows: ''C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\gdlauncher_next\instances\instancename\'' macOS: ''~/Library/Application Support/gdlauncher_next/instances/'' ---- ==== MultiMC and Prism Launcher ==== To keep the console open when the game crashes: Open MultiMC, click on "**Settings**" on the top horizontal toolbar, then on the "**Console**" tab, and ensure that the following two options are ticked: "**Show console when game is running?**" "**Show console when the game crashes?**" Start the Minecraft instance, when the game crashes, use the ''Upload'' button on the top right side of the instance **Console window**, in the **Minecraft Log** Tab to upload your log and post the link copied to your clipboard. You can alternatively click “Folder” and open the ''logs'' or ''crash-reports'' folder to find the latest log or crash report.