====== Documentation ====== This section of the wiki contains various documentation on how projects in the Fabric toolchain work. If anything in this section is not clear, or you are struggling to understand, you can always ask for clarification in the ''#toolchain-other'' channel on the [[https://discord.gg/v6v4pMv|Official Fabric Discord]] ===== Specifications ===== These pages contain specifications on the different files and file types used by the Fabric toolchain. * [[documentation:fabric_mod_json|fabric.mod.json (Overview)]] * [[documentation:fabric_mod_json_spec|fabric.mod.json (Full Spec)]] * [[documentation:mapping_formats|Mapping Formats]] * [[documentation:tiny|Tiny v1]] * [[documentation:tiny2|Tiny v2]] * [[documentation:enigma_mappings|Enigma]] ===== Technical Information ===== These pages contain technical information on how projects in the Fabric toolchain work. * [[documentation:fabric_loader|Fabric Loader]] * [[documentation:entrypoint|Entrypoints]] * [[documentation:fabric_loom|Fabric Loom]] * [[documentation:enigma|Enigma]] * [[documentation:matcher|Matcher]] * [[documentation:yarn|Yarn]] * [[documentation:modpack_related_endpoints|Fabric Meta]] * [[documentation:build_pipelines|Mod Build pipeline]] ===== External Documentation ===== You can find the documentation of external projects used by projects in the Fabric toolchain here. * [[http://github.com/SpongePowered/Mixin/wiki|SpongePowered Mixin Documentation]]