/** * A simple {@code Inventory} implementation with only default methods + an item list getter. * * @author Juuz */ public interface ImplementedInventory extends Inventory { /** * Retrieves the item list of this inventory. * Must return the same instance every time it's called. */ DefaultedList getItems(); /** * Creates an inventory from the item list. */ static ImplementedInventory of(DefaultedList items) { return () -> items; } /** * Creates a new inventory with the specified size. */ static ImplementedInventory ofSize(int size) { return of(DefaultedList.ofSize(size, ItemStack.EMPTY)); } /** * Returns the inventory size. */ @Override default int size() { return getItems().size(); } /** * Checks if the inventory is empty. * @return true if this inventory has only empty stacks, false otherwise. */ @Override default boolean isEmpty() { for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { ItemStack stack = getStack(i); if (!stack.isEmpty()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Retrieves the item in the slot. */ @Override default ItemStack getStack(int slot) { return getItems().get(slot); } /** * Removes items from an inventory slot. * @param slot The slot to remove from. * @param count How many items to remove. If there are less items in the slot than what are requested, * takes all items in that slot. */ @Override default ItemStack removeStack(int slot, int count) { ItemStack result = Inventories.splitStack(getItems(), slot, count); if (!result.isEmpty()) { markDirty(); } return result; } /** * Removes all items from an inventory slot. * @param slot The slot to remove from. */ @Override default ItemStack removeStack(int slot) { return Inventories.removeStack(getItems(), slot); } /** * Replaces the current stack in an inventory slot with the provided stack. * @param slot The inventory slot of which to replace the itemstack. * @param stack The replacing itemstack. If the stack is too big for * this inventory ({@link Inventory#getMaxCountPerStack()}), * it gets resized to this inventory's maximum amount. */ @Override default void setStack(int slot, ItemStack stack) { getItems().set(slot, stack); if (stack.getCount() > stack.getMaxCount()) { stack.setCount(stack.getMaxCount()); } } /** * Clears the inventory. */ @Override default void clear() { getItems().clear(); } /** * Marks the state as dirty. * Must be called after changes in the inventory, so that the game can properly save * the inventory contents and notify neighboring blocks of inventory changes. */ @Override default void markDirty() { // Override if you want behavior. } /** * @return true if the player can use the inventory, false otherwise. */ @Override default boolean canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity player) { return true; } }